Individual Account Opening Document Requirements
In accordance with the Seychelles Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act 2020 we are required to verify your identity prior to opening a trading account.
身份证 (主要身份证证件) = 70 分/份
- 有效护照
- 有效公民身份证
- 有效政府身份证件,如驾照或地区性身份证件
居住证明(次级身份证件) = 30 分/份
- 公共账单 (电话费, 煤气费, 电费)
- 银行或信用卡账单
- 政府签发的税收文件
Electronic Verification
The Company may verify your personal details through electronic verification provided by an independent and reliable KYC source.
Corporate Account Opening Document Requirements
In accordance with Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act 2020, we are required to verify information about your company prior to opening a corporate trading account for you. To ensure that your account is approved please submit the following:
Legal Person documentation:- Certificate of Incorporation/Registration;
- Articles of Association/Memorandum;
- Certificate Directors and all Shareholders/Members/Partners including the percentage of their ownership;
- A proof of company’s registered address not older than 180 days / as well as principal place of business (Utility bill);
- A resolution of the board of directors of the legal person for the opening of the account and granting authority to those who will operate it; and
- LEI number.
Officers and persons with significant control:
Documents and data for the verification of the identity of:
- The persons that are authorised by the legal person to operate the account
- Registered shareholders/beneficial owner/s of the legal person
- Directors
- A valid photo ID (National ID or Passport)
- A proof of residence (Utility Bill, Bank Statement), not older than 90 days
In the case of a legal person whose direct/immediate and principal shareholder is another legal person, registered in the Republic or abroad, the Company verifies the ownership structure and the identity of the natural persons who are the beneficial owners and/or control the other legal person.

Contact Us
We are here 24hrs a day Monday to Sunday.
澳大利亚反洗钱法案和IC Markets Global的详细流程是围绕着严格的指导方针来构建的,以确保资金安全地返还到其原始来源和受益者。
- IC Markets Global 客户必须在其正确填写账户信息的情况下完成取款申请。
- 所有的出金申请均提交到IC Markets Global财务部门处理。 我们的会计部门确认账户余额,核实该账户没有取款限制,然后批准取款请求,等待合规批准。
- IC Markets Global 财务部门审查所有出金申请,验证原始资金出金是通过相同的方法和存款账户持有人进行的。我们的财务部门检查出金申请及客户的入金历史,确保没有可疑的活动,并验证银行帐户的文件
- 核准的出金请求由财务部门处理,并将资金发放给客户
- 如果出金被标记为可疑活动,出金将被搁置,等待IC Markets Global管理人员的进一步调查
- IC Markets Global 管理部门将与我们的合规部门协作以按需展开进一步的工作,并按需联系任何相关监管机构。
虽然我们欢迎来自世界各地的客户,但政府的限制以及我们的公司政策禁止IC Markets Global开立来自以下受限制和/或OFAC批准国家的账户:
- Abkhazia (the Republic of Abkhazia)
- Afghanistan
- American Samoa
- Angola
- Belarus
- Cambodia
- Central African Republic
- Chatham Island (New Zealand)
- Congo
- Congo - Brazzaville
- Congo - Kinshasa
- Cook Islands
- Cuba
- Cuba (Guantanamo Bay)
- Gambia
- Guam
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Iraq
- Israel
- Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of)
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Mali
- Martinique
- Mayotte
- Myanmar
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Niue
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Puerto Rico
- Reunion
- Russia
- Saint Barthélemy
- Saint Martin
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tokelau
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- United States of America
- Wake Island
- Wallis and Futuna
- Yemen
- Zanzibar
- Zimbabwe
The company conducts periodic reviews and updates its list to align with the latest amendments to applicable regulations